
The recent advancement of the next generation sequencing technology has enabled the fast and low-cost detection of all genetic variants spreading across entire human genomes, making the application of whole-genome sequencing a tendency in studies of disease-causing genetic variants. Nevertheless, there still lacks a repository that collects predictions of functionally damaging effects of human genetic variants, though it has been well recognized that such predictions plays a central role in the analysis of whole-genome sequencing data.


To fill in this gap, we developed dbWGFP (a database of human whole-genome single nucleotide variants and their functional predictions) that contains functional predictions and annotations of more than 8.5 billion possible human whole-genome single nucleotide variants. Specifically, this database integrates 32 functional predictions calculated by 13 popular computational methods, 15 conservation features derived from 4 conservation calculation approaches, and 44 valuable annotations obtained from the ENCODE project, accompanied with a highly efficient search program.


dbWGFP offers two web services for retrieving predictions and annotations for human whole-genome single nucleotide variants. In the step-by-step mode, you can upload a file containing variants and retrieve results online. In the batch mode, you can upload a file containing your email address and variants and retrieve results via your email.


dbWGFP offers two versions for downloading. The lite version includes prediction scores for human whole-genome single nucleotide variants. The full version includes both predictions and annotations. Both versions include a search program that can extract predictions and/or annotations in a highly efficient way. Different versions of dbWGFP are also archived for easy access.


If you have any comments, suggestions and questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email.


Please cite: Jiaxin Wu, Lianshuo Li, Mengmeng Wu, Zhuo Liu, Wanwen Zeng, Rui Jiang*, dbWGFP: a database of human whole-genome single nucleotide variants and their functional predictions, Database: the journal of biological databases and curation, in revision, 2015.