collectNET (COmbined ceLL-cEll CommunicaTion NETwork) is a comprehensive web platform for analyzing cell-cell communication, encompassing a online cell-cell communication inference tool and a human cell-cell communication network atlas.
- As an online analysis tool, collectNET allows users to upload data and obtain reliable communication inference and analysis results based on single-cell RNA-seq data. With prior knowledge of 3,954 ligand-receptor pairs from three public databases and systematic integration of three widely-used inference methods, collectNET provides a comprehensive and reliable online inference workflow, including data pre-processing, inference, and visualization.
- As an atlas for human organ cell-cell communication, collectNET incorporates single-cell RNA-seq data from Human Cell Landscape (HCL) database to infer 126,785 significant communication pairs across 31 organs and 485 cell types, and presents the results in a user-friendly manner.
Online Inference
- collectNET facilitates the cell-cell communication networks inference with single-cell RNA sequencing data as input, without the need for any local deployment or computational resources.
- By inputting gene expression count matrices and cell annotation data, users can personalize parameters and quickly obtain inference results.

Number of celltypes for each organ
Number of interactions for each organ