dbWGFP has a lite version that includes prediction scores for human whole-genome variants and a full version that include both predictions and annotations. Both versions offer a search program that can extract predictions and/or annotations in a highly efficient way. Different versions of dbWGFP are also archived for easy access.
You can either download gz files for individual chromosomes separately at this page or run the following command to download all files.
wget -m -p -np -nH -e robots=off http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn/dbwgfp/lite/
You can either download gz files for individual chromosomes separately at this page or run the following command to download all files.
wget -m -p -np -nH -e robots=off http://bioinfo.au.tsinghua.edu.cn/dbwgfp/full/
You can download archives of dbWGFP at this page.
You can download examples of dbWGFP at this page.